Mon 13 Jan
**** ATTENTION *****Im Ready ☆★ ☆ SWEET, SEXY AND OPEN MINDED !! ★ ★ ☆ - - 25
(Springfield, Incalls Bradley airport Outcalls 2 u)
Sun 12 Jan
(SuPr Sx¥ ) ♥ DoLL ~ FaCd ~ CuT¡ ♥ ( 1oO% RAL ) ♥ YoUr TrEaT - 21
(Springfield, in and outcalls windsor locks area)
......... SEXY ......... BLONDE ....... Visiting ...¯)✿ HOT WORK OUT INSTRUCTOR! - 37
(Springfield, incall.auburn masspike)
❥⇢NEW⇠❥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »-ߒFRεαKy» C▒U▒R▒V▒Y Hawaiian ❥⇢╠╣0T 100% REAL⇠❥ ❥⇢NEW⇠❥PaRtY GiRl! - 22 - 21
(Springfield, anywhere you are ;-))
Sat 11 Jan
Lets have a blast 💣while having a party of our own! 🍒Scarlett i can travel as well 413.210.1671 - 29
(Springfield, Springfield Chicopee Northampton Westfi)
✦✦✦✦ !!!!!!!✦✦✦Sweet sexy Asian BABY✦✦✦✦ ARRIVED TODAY✦✦✦✦ DO NOT MISS OUT✦✦✦✦ !!!!!!!✦✦✦ - 23
(Enfield 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 91 Ex47E 🔴🔴🔴�, Springfield)
Did you have a hard week at work ?Then let me help you relax !!!!! - 20
(Springfield, springfield and surrounding areas)
Honey is feeling very happy today so its a 45$$ SPECIAL$$ today but hurry it expires soon - 20
(Springfield, chicopee)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In the city)
#❶ Top cHoice ! ☆ ;¨ CAUTION HiGhLy ** AdDiCTiVe ☆☆ - new arrival - 20
(chicopee-5 minutes from dwntwn sprngfld)
WeEkaeNd FuN FleXiaBle GuArAntEeD To Be SaTiSFiEd CaLL CanDy TwO GiRl SpEcIaL 1413*489*2265 - 23
(Springfield, west Springfield)
***** DAH B E S T I S B A CK I K N O I GOT T O BE **** I S B A C K I N TO W N **** - 21
!! CALL ME for an UN FORGETABLE time!!!!! no RUSHING NO games !!!!!!!! independent !!!!!! - 27
(Springfield, western ma)
New In Town K i l l e r °C u r v e s° Delicious °B o o t y - Come and Get Your Candy Apple•.♥ - 22
(Springfield, West Springfield Incall SpeC)
💕💋Sexy Playful Companion Ready 4 Fun!💕💋Amazing Early Bird Specials💋Call Now 813-377-5318💋 - 27
(Springfield, Springfield- Chicopee area)
Fri 10 Jan
Snow White lookalike waiting to be kissed awake-Gillian - 28
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
BooBs R MaGiC💋Kinky imagination only ToDaY - 37
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Brockton, Cape Cod, Lowell, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Waltham, MA, Worcester)
(Springfield, 91 W Springfield)
L A S T _ D A Y_Last Day! G A B R I E L L A_ H O T_ & R E A D Y_ W H I T E_ B B W - 53
BIGGER is Better . . . . . . THICK & Very Sensual 40dd . . . . . . . C A N D I ...... - 20
(Springfield, I prefer to Come to You)
80 SPECIALS**NeW in ToWn** WeLcUm SexY MixeD viXXeN ~~ HoT SoNia HeRe To MaKe yOu MeLt 125hh 200hr - 25
(Springfield, Enfield/ exit 47E)
»-★-» FLaWLeSS FArAh »-★-» iRiSh BOmBshELL »-★» GOddEsS Of PLEaSuRE »-★» - 25
(Springfield, Bradley Airport)
Last Night In Town Outcall Special 💎😘😘😘💋💋. Sexy Thick Latina Outcalls💋🍒👄 - 27
(Outcall specials western mass, Springfield)
Thu 09 Jan
Incalls Specials Always Ready Enfield Incalls Real Hott Face Pictures!! - 30
(Springfield, From Springfield / Enfield Incalls)
💖 LET ME ROCK YOUR WORLD *(701) 339-2493 * Private , Discreet, Personalized 💖 - 38
(Springfield, Windsor Locks, CT and surrounding)
Let's have some fun baby ( NINA ) ❤❤ A🌴V🌴A🌴I🌴L🌴A🌴B🌴L🌴E NOW !!! ❤❤ - 21
(Springfield, West Springfield)
a fun buddy with no strings attached - 26
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, everywhere)
•••►Dirty and Sweet IM your tasty TREAT◄••• - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, incall/outcall, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield)
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, anywhere you want me!)
♥▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▃▃ ♥ NAKED♥ ASIAN♥ ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▃▃ ♥ HOT ♥ READY ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▃▃ ♥AVAILABLE NOW ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ - 23
(OUTCALL ONLY, Springfield)
Wed 08 Jan
☎️→🍭Sw€€+ n SLIPPERY🍭 Ꮆ☆☆5🌟] 💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL🌴🌺 EXOT!C GODDESS [💋] - 19
(Springfield, in & out)
LAST DAY.....LAST DAY.... .Mixed beauty ~ in TOWN _ $8O.OO SPEC!AL - 23
(Springfield, west spring field)
✨ fantastic Tuesday Specials♥ Let Me relives Your Stress♥ ♊ Girls Available❗❕ Sexy Lexi 774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
😘😘80/ss 120/hhr 150/hr🎊🎊LET's PLAY DADDY🎊🎊 💕sexy BEAUTY💕CARMELA💕incall or ou - 22
(Springfield, West Springfield)
☔⚡TENDER SL!PPERY Extraordinary Provider Hidden Juicy Treasures Creamy Desire☔⚡ - 22
(Springfield, Springfield,ma)
🍑A Super win🎊🎉A perfect Treat🍬Available Now - 20
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Dorchester/in surrounding out, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
5🌟 Ebony🚨❌🚨DOLL FACE #⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ $💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨G🔥ҤØŦ_☜ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 Real Nasty 🍒🍒 - 21
(Holyoke Massachusetts, Springfield)
Tue 07 Jan
90hh special SMOKING HOT👇 blue eyed 💙 natural beauty.👄 😍 - 25
(Springfield, west springfield in call only)
»-♥-» DaNGERoUSLY ______ ★°. Addictive .°★ ______ BLoNdE »-♥-» - 26
(Windsor Locks_-_Bradley/Hartford Airport)
Mon 06 Jan
💋💋♥💋NEW GIRL!💋♥ Exotic BIG BOOTY new pixs ♥♥Ms STACEY ♥♥ 💋 - 25
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Incalls only Foxboro, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield)
***LOOK NO FURTHER ***[SEXY ] $ 50, $80 & $150 spec. *discreet and safe*! - 22
(Springfield, W. Springfield incall or outcall)
Sun 05 Jan