Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Visiting from MIAMI Sexy Classy and NaSTY TayLor Sexy Saturday Specials 420* - 21
(Springfield, Enfield CT)
FULFILL YOUR FANTASY ❤❤❤Smoking Hot BLONDE!!!!!CALL NOW. HOT Sexy, Blonde!!!413-317-3091 - 35
(Springfield, western mass)
What Your Wife Wont Do I Will !! (Amherst Incalls) 180 Hour Your Place Or Mine!! - 28
$100 - specials! EXPERT PLEASER & WELL-REVIEWED VISITOR Gone 11AM tomorrow. XoXo SEXY finishes! - 21
(E Hartford 3 mins from Downtown Hartford)
❤ N•E•W• ❤Sweet ❤ ••❤ Seductive ❤•••❤Sexy Italian ❤•••❤I'm waiting for you !!! S p e c i a l s! - 22
(Springfield, West springfield/ incall)
Sexy Independent Italian 1000% Real Pics Real Fun 100 Special!!! - 21
(Springfield, Lee off Mass Turnpike)
Fri 10 Jan
**Let me show you what the best feels like ** - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In town)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, 1)
_________ ◆•••• ◆ ••••• ◆ ASIAN GIRL PURE HAPPINESS ◆ ••••• ◆ •••• ◆ - _________ - - 23
(Springfield, W.Springfield/ in call)
Come and Enjoy ME!! Beautiful Young Brunette!! Come see me today-413-317-3091 MARIA - 19
(Springfield, Western Mass./Springfield)
Available Now! I am Hot, Sexy, Independent and Real! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, In town, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
!💕💜💍 DoUbLe TrOuBlE ChAlLeNgE AnY0Ne???Do U tHiNk U HaVe WhAt It TaKes? 100% CaLL NoW (860)690 *4950 - 20
(Springfield, Enfield,Springfield,Mass)
***2 HoT TuEsDaY!!*** 💋BeT sHe CaNt Do iT LiKe Me!💋 **ToRi** ★CaN u HaNdLe tHiS?★ - 26
(Springfield, *** EnFieLd *AND* MaNcHeStEr TiL 2aM!***)
**BBW passion here! VALENTINES eve/day specials ************* - 24
(Springfield, chicopee incall outcalls 25mi radius)
ஐ ———— ————— V!S!T!NG ———— ஐ ———— E X O T I C ———— ஐ ——— Asian——— ஐ———— BABE————— - - - 20
(I-91EX47▬▬ ENFIELD ▬▬ A few days, Springfield)
Thu 09 Jan
💕💎💋Sexy Italian/Irish Classy Princess Waiting to Have an Amazing Experience💕💎💋 - 27
(Springfield, west springfield)
EnD YoUr DaY WitH SomEonE SwEet SaTiSfYing SeXy 🍬2 girl special140 ros ViCkY 1413*829*2793 💋 - 22
(Springfield, west Springfield)
Come EnJoY YouRSelF ((BLONDIE)) available for INCALLS $150 - 21
(Springfield, INCALL$ w.springfield)
blonds do it better*** JuSt HoW YOU lIkE IT.... sexy lil thick yellow bone *!*!*!!!! Up ~n~ READY - 22
(Springfield, springfeild,greenfeild in/outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
🌟Ashley🌟 All American Blue Eyed Blonde🌟 Lots of Toys🌟 Gorgeous & Sensual🌟 - 27
(Springfield, Enfield)
80$ half hour specials 100% real pics 📸 California dream girl 👅💦 tightest creamy pink - 21
***((($100 storm special call Autumn now!)))*** - 22
(Springfield, Enfield, windsor locks 91 in/out calls)
Tue 07 Jan
Who put their hands in the cookie jar??? Starting at $$50 Fines and up ^ - 20
(Springfield, chicopee)
I want to be your girl tonight - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In the city)
Available now men!💟🍒♨️SMOKING HOTT♨️💟 Italian& Irish princess! !!😘😍CALL- 💢413.210.1671💢in calls&out; calls!! - 26
(Springfield, West Springfield🔆)
Brand New to Town!! Gorgeous, Sexy, Sweet Girl Next Door! - 21
(Springfield, Bradley airport-Incall....Out all over)
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B__R __ E__A__T__H __T__A__ K__ I__N__G__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* - 22
(Springfield and surrounding)
📙◼📙◼📙◼📙◼▬▬▬▬ Choose Your Delight at Doll House 6 GIRLS▬▬📙◼📙◼📙◼📙◼📙◼★(NEW LINE UP) ★📙◼📙◼📙◼ - 23
(Springfield, 240 North St Bennington, VT, 05201)
Mon 06 Jan
Nothing to do this Sunday? Love boobs? Independent, College Student w/DD"s - 30
(Springfield, western ma)
Sun 05 Jan
RuSSiaN GoddEsS 💥Bangin Booty!💥 READY to have FUN NOW! 413*930*5028 - 27
(Chicopee~SPFLD~W.SPFLD~Holyoke area, Springfield)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan